a charity that puts education first!

City Shine Foundation is a charity/NGO (non-governmental organization) whose aim is to provide a meaningful education to underprivileged kids in Kayole-Soweto slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

We envision a world where the underprivileged are given the opportunity to get a better life for themselves and their families through education.

Our charity/NGO was setup in 2010 and up till now we have taken the complete charge of assisting two schools in providing education to kids who lack the funds and resources to do so on their own.

Our mission is simple; help the young generation develop their thinking and creative skills through education.  As a result, this will give them the tools to break the vicious cycle of poverty.

We would like to create a world where everyone from all walks of life can enjoy life with dignity, sufficient food, and income security to meet basic needs. We strongly believe that by having a proper education it makes it possible to reach these goals.