Check out City Shine’s second newsletter!

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A new translation button has been added to the website so that everbody in the world can read and understand what City Shine is all about.
You can find the translate button on the bottom of every page and looks like this:

When you click on the button it shows you 52 different languages to choose from and it will translate the website instantly.

If it doesn’t work or you have any questions, please contact us!

In the news bulletin of the American School of the Hague:

City Shine is the name of the primary and secondary school in a slum area of Nairobi, Kenya. The proceeds from ASH student planned and managed events support some of City Shine’s initiatives including the following:

• The purchase of land to build a new school
• A safe and adequate facility with a kitchen for healthy meals
• Feminine hygiene program

Most recently, ASH (American School of the Hague) students raised just over €1000 by organizing an event
(MTV Night) where students made their own video clips and performed for 160 people!

“we are delighted to share the first City Shine electronic newsletter with you, featuring our very own ASH group of City Shine supporters”.

Thanks to all those involved in the MTV night and all of the initiatives for City Shine!

Source: ASH News bulletin